Our Objectives
Our Approach in our projects, we value the importance of cooperation with the concerned parties and individuals, therefore;
All our projects are based on cooperation and coordination with our partners, considering their important role which contributes to the success and achievement of the objectives of our projects.
Projects administration optimally relies on managing the resources to achieve its’ goals and desired outcomes with specific controls and constraints, in addition to coordinating and integrating all the necessary activities.
The Monitoring and follow-up process of the activities, is continuous and therefore, our partners receive regular information on the progress made in achieving the goals, we are committed to make a rigorous and an independent evaluation for the completed or ongoing projects and activities, to determine the range of the achieved objectives, so that the evaluation process includes activities, projects, strategies, plans and policies.

Our Values
Human dignity ((We have honored the sons of Adam)) Sorat Al-Isra, Aya70. “Dignity is for all human beings regardless of their color, ethnicity, or their doctrines or thoughts”
Freedom “When did you enslave people and their mothers gave birth to them free” Omar ibn al-Khattab
Justice “No one really knows the meaning of belonging to a nation until he stays in its prisons”. “A Nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but it's lowest ones” Nelson Mandela

Our Team

Othman Zaydan Zaydan

Abir Ahmed Saifalnaser

Nesrin Mostafa Khaled

Nawras Faraj Ben naji

Jehad Ali Elkhabouli

Ibrahim .N. Musbah

Saadia Fadli
The Foundation is present in several Libyan cities through field offices or
representatives (Tripoli, Benghazi, Misrata, Naloutm, Bani Wleed, Alhawamed,
Zentan, Sebha, Ghat, Obari).
However, the work of some of the local offices has been suspended due to the
volatile security and political situation in some parts of the country, but the
the organisation is striving to re-activate the work in these cities again. -
+218 919621342